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[[insertion]] Another on alder July 12 [[/insertion]]
Little Acronycta on white birch, J-style June 29 1894. [[blue strikethrough]] Keene Valley NY. Colorless [[overwritten]] II [[/overwritten]] whitish food showing green Hair from warts, long silky white mixed with a few black ones from i on 3, 5, 7 and 12. Hd bilobed, whitish, eyes black, mouth brown, W. .5± mm (.7) [[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] III [[/overwritten]] July 2 [[/underlined]] Hd shiny black with 2 concave bands close to clypeus and connected above it by a cross bar: a white mark above ocelli ^ [[insertion]] another behind [[/insertion]] clypeus greenish centrally; mouth parts pale Hair long curved, [[soft?]], white [[with?]] long distinct black pencils [[from?]] 5, 7 and 12 on i. Warts concolorous body whitish, a slight irregular black s-d marking (1.2) [[underlined]] Moult [[overwritten]] IV [[/overwritten]] July 7 [[/underlined]] Head entirely black. Corresponds altogether with the description of BB414 (q.v.) except [[/blue strikethrough]] [[end page]]

[[start page]] [[insertion]] Like [[overwritten]] I [[/overwritten]] 446 I from egg like 476 A but all whitish. Setae mostly dark. A seta on leg. [[underlined]] Molt July 17 [[/underlined]] Hd like Stage III Hd .6± body like stage II [[underlined]] Molt July 21 [[/underlined]] Hd black with narrow [[ventral?]] white line w. 1.1 mm [[/insertion]]
[[blue strikethrough]] in color of body which is only partly black being spotted and streaked with yellow esp. sub stig. Head 2 mm ± Primary hairs from distinct pale warts, iv stig. post, v and vi small, hair long barbuled Secondary hairs shorter and finer than primary, arising from the skin most numerous dorsally. 1d hairs all white except the black pencils, 2d yellowish, shading to fleshy brown on the back. v and vi scarcely to be distinguished from the 2d hairs (1.8) [[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] V [[/overwritten]] July 12 [[/underlined]] Same body blacker, [[very?]] black in incisures, 2d hair abundant black pencils [[?]]. 1d hairs stiff pale radiating from warts. Hd 2.5± [[insertion]] (Sh hd 2.4) [[/insertion]] The appearance of bands of hairs is heightened by the pale color of the center of segments where the hair is contrasted with the black incisures, venter black as well as tho. feet. [[/blue strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Blue squiggly lines drawn vertically across text on both pages