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Museum. In 1897 Professor Holmes returned to Washington becoming Head Curator of Anthropology in the National Museum. Success in solving the various problems arising in the two great fields of geology and archaeology, led to his election in 1905 to membership in the National Academy of Sciences, a much prized honor.
  In 1902 he was appointed Chief of the Bureau of American Ethnology in the Smithsonian Institution, which position he held until 1909, when he was transfered to the staff of the National Museum as Head Curator of the Department of Anthropology. This position he held until 1920. Professor Holmes was particularly proud of his success in organizing the Division of Physical Anthropology in the Museum in 1910, and of securing the appointment of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka as its Curator. In the list of things of importance accomplished during the period of 1910-20 was the reclassification of the great body of archaeological collections heretofore crowded into the Old Building, and their installations in the New Natural History building, splendid group of cases for their reception being built under Professor Holmes' direction. In exposition work and as a member of various international scientific Congresses he was called upon to visit several foreign countries including England, France, Germany, Mexico, Chili and Peru, thus extending his field of scientific activities.
  Included in the Department of Anthropology of which Professor Holmes took charge in 1909, were the several Divisions of Ethnology, American Archaeology, Old World Archaeology, Technology