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[[circled]] 58 [[/circled]] [[preprinted letterhead]] [[image - Seal of U.S. Office of Geologic & Geographic Survey of the Territories]] OFFICE OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES [[strikethrough]] Washington, D. C., [[/strikethrough]] [[Handwritten:]] 1910 Arch St. Phila. Dec. 1st [[/handwritten]] 188 [[handwritten]] 0 [[/handwritten]]. [[/preprinted]] [[pencil annotation]] First official assignment preserved. [[/pencil annotation]] Dear Holmes: You are very kind. You can be more aid than any one else in completing my work. You know we have - # 10.000 [[appropriated?]], only small portion of which has been used. [[underlined in red]]I wish you would take possession of the office at the S. I. & [[/underlined]][[next?]]] do your other work & manage the current business of [[conservancy?]]. Somebody must do it - If [[Pearson?]] could be on hand, he might do so with you [[strikethrough]] as counsel [[/strikethrough]] to consult with. Think of this & say [[?rthy?]]. I shall be in W. [[tomorrow?]]. Please stay at the [[?]] until late. I will call by then, but do not say anything that I am coming on. The Interior Dept [[?re?]]] most kind to me personally & do [[everything?]] I wish. I will see you soon [[Once?]] [[Most?]] [[?]] F. V. Hayden
Transcription Notes:
F. V. Hayden is correct