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[Handwritten upper right corner]]

Smithsonian Institution 
Washington, U.S.A.
[Header right margin]]
United States National Museum
International Exchanges
Bureau of Ethnology
National Zoological Park
Astrophysical Observatory

October 11, 1902
You are hereby designated to represent the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in organizing and directing the work of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with the title of Chief of the Bureau, to take effect on October 15th, at a salary of Four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) per annum.

I shall be pleased to confer with you at an early date regarding the future conduct of the Bureau.

Very respectfully yours,
[[handwritten signature]]
S. C. Langley
[[/handwritten signature]]

Mr. W.H. Holmes,
Smithsonian Institution,
Head Curator of Anthropology,
U.S. National Museum.