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after the award, in the Library of Columbia College. The recipient of a prize shall present five copies of the prize work to Columbia College, which copies shall be distributed in accordance with the conditions prescribed in Mr. Loubat's deed of gift; and all subsequent editions of the work shall bear upon the title-page the words:
"Loubat Prize,
Columbia College in the City of New York,"
with the date at which the prize was conferred.
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^[[won by WH Holmes]]
Columbia College
in the City of New York
I. Two prizes, a first of one thousand dollars, and a second of four hundred dollars, the gift of Mr. Joseph F. Loubat, shall be awarded in December, 1893, to the authors of the best works published in the English language upon the history, geography, archaeology, ethnology, philology, or numismatics of North America. The competition for these prizes shall be open to all persons, whether connected with Columbia College or not, and whether citizens of the United States or of any other country.
II. The conditions of competition are:
(a) That the work fall within the above list of subjects.
(b) That it be written by one person.
(c) That it embody the results of original research and constitute a distinct contribution to science.
(d) That it shall have been published not earlier than 1888, and not later than April 30, 1893. But works consisting, or to consist, of a series of volumes, shall be admitted to competition if any volume shall have been published within the period named.
III. To insure consideration of their works, authors are invited to send three copies of each work to the President of Columbia College, not later than June 1, 1893; but the award shall not be limited to works so submitted. Copies
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