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The elaborate monograph entitled, "The Social Organization and Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians," by Dr. Franz Boas, of the American Museum of Natural History of New York City, is a remarkably complete descriptive and analytic treatise setting forth the characteristics of a well-studied tribe in such a manner as to offer a model for students and raise the standards of ethnological work.  Its information is derived from personal research conducted on the very best scientific principles and dealing with a wealth of carefully collected material.  Your Committee, therefore, recommend that the second prize of [[underline]] $400 [[/underline]] be awarded to Dr. Franz [[underline]] Boas [[/underline]].

Of the remaining authors represented in the competition, the Committee desire to single out for especial mention Dr. Karl Lumholz, who presented a treatise entitled, "Objective Symbolism of the Huichol Indians"; Mr. Frank H. Cushing, who offered a manuscript interpretive of aboriginal art and industry under the title, "Tomahawk and Calumet, Shield and Gorget"; and Dr. Walter Hoffmann, whose extended memoir embodies a careful study of the Menomini Indians.

The Committee desire also to mention with especial commendation a work by Alfred P. Maudslay, of London, dealing with the Archaeology of Central America.  This work was not submitted by its author in the competition, and it has not yet been completed in publication; but its great merit is such as to demand some especial mention on the part of this Committee.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Committee: H. T. PECK, Chairman,

May 21, 1898.