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National Geographic Society

December 17, 1919

Dr. William H. Holmes
U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Dr. Holmes:

Thank you for your note of December 16 advising me of the coming visit of Dr. Hrdlicka to China. We already have so much material on that country, and several very competent representatives there, that I doubt whether The Geographic could use anything more, but will consider the matter. Meanwhile, I appreciate your suggestion.

Perhaps you will remember my calling last winter in reference to devoting a special number of The Geographic Magazine to the Indians of North America. Do you think it would be possible to arrange for a special number of The Geographic giving a comprehensive summary of the Indian tribes of the United States or possibly of North America,- a number modelled somewhat after our magazine devoted to the wild animals of North America, by Nelson?

I shall be very glad to come and see you on this subject at your convenience.

Very sincerely yours,

[[signature]]^[[Gilbert Grosvenor]][[/signature]]
Director and Editor