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National Geographic Society

December 22, 1919

Dr. William H. Holmes,
U. S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Dr. Holmes:

Several years ago Miss Jane M.Smith of Pittsburgh bequeathed the National Geographic Society a fund of $5,000, the income of which by terms of the bequest is to be used to elect Life Members of the National Geographic Society.

By action of the Board of Managers of the Society, it was resolved that the life memberships should be awarded by the Society in recognition of eminent services for "the increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge."

I have much pleasure in advising you that at a meeting of the Board of Managers, December 17, you were unanimously elected a Jane M. Smith Life Member in appreciation and recognition of your distinguished services to geography extending through a long period.

Enclosed are the names of the persons who have been elected Life Members of the Society on the Jame M. Smith bequest.

Kindly advise the office of the National Geographic Society to what address you desire the magazine sent. As a Life Member you are entitled to receive the magazine regularly, and the organization will appreciate your advising us from time to time of any change in your address.

Very sincerely yours,
[[signature]]Gilbert Grosvenor[[/signature]]
Director and Editor

Life Membership Certificate enclosed.