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[[Heading text]] [[Seal]] Communications should be addressed to Chairman Executive Committee on Awards Bureau: Pacific Building Washington, D.C. [[End Seal]] [[Letter head]] World's Columbian Commission Executive Committee on Awards John Boyd Thacher, Chairman, Albany N.Y. W.J. Sewell, New Jersey A.T.Britton, District Columbia A.B. Andrews, North Carolina B.B. Smalley, Ex-Officio Member, Burlington Vt. [[End Letter Head]] A.C.R. July 7, 1894. Dr. W. H. Holmes, Care Field Columbian Museum Chicago, Ill. Dear sir: I am in receipt of your biography, and would ask you, at your earliest convenience to please send me a photograph of yourself to accompany it. Thanking you for your prompt response to my request, I am Yours, [[Signature]] John Boyd Thacher [[Illegible]] Chairman Executive Committee on Awards. Per. [[signature]] Frank R. Phister A.C.R.