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[[circled]] ^[[148]] [[/circled]]


National Academy of Sciences April 20, 1905   [[checked and lined in pencil]]
American Academy of Arts and Sciences  [[Checked and lined in pencil]]
Washington Academy of Sciences President, 1917-1918 [[checked and lined in pencil]]
Anthropological Society of Washington - President [[checked and lined in pencil]]
Archeological Society of Washington - President [[checked and lined in pencil]]
American Philosophical Society December 15, 1899 [[checked and lined in pencil]]
Archeological Institute of America [[lined in pencil]]
American Anthropological Association 
International Congress of Amercanists
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Oct 23, 1905 [[lined in pencil]]
Academy of Natural Sciences, Phildephia [[lined in pencil]]
American Association of Museums
American Institute of Architects November 13, 1899 [[lined in pencil]]
Alumni Association, George Washington University
Cosmos Club, Washington - Founder-President^[[CIRCLED-1919]] -Life Member ^[[should be 1907-1908]]
Literary Society of Washington - Life Member [[line in pencil]]
Arts Club of Washington - Life Member
Society of Washington Artists - President-Honorary President
Washington Water Color Club - President 1920
Landscape Club - Honorary Member
National Society of the Fine Arts - President 1909 [[lined in pencil]]
French Alpine Club 1926 [[lined in pencil]]
The National Parks Association
Rocky Mountain Club August 23, 1876 [[lined in pencil]]
Missouri Historical Society June 3, 1903 [[lined in pencil]]
Inaugural Committee, 1905.
^[[Academyia nacionale de history of Colombia
American Federation of Arts]]