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[[Left hand side]] Members' Course November 17, 1909, -- A Religious and Artistic Reform in Egypt -- B.C., 1400 Dr. Max Muller. December 15, 1909, -- Michael Angelo and the Sistine Ceiling, Dr. H. H. Powers. January 4, 1910, -- Symbols and Patterns, Miss May Morris. January 19, 1910, -- Sorolla and His Works, Mr W. E. B. Starkweather. April 20, 1910, -- Music of the Southwestern Indians, Miss Natalie Curtis. Public Course. December 14, 1909, -- Art of the Pharaohs, Dr. H. H. Powers. January 4, 1910, -- German Life in German Art, D. T. Lindsey Blayney. February 1, 1910, -- Arts and Crafts-- Past and Present, Miss Anna Seaton-Schmidt. March 1, 1910, -- Flower Garden Competition, Mr. H.D. Hemenway. April 5, 1910, --Civic Art [[Right hand side]] Announcement The National Society of the Fine Arts 1909-1910 Officers President..............................William H. Holmes First Vice-President...................Hennen Jennings Second Vice-President..................Glenn Brown Secretary..............................Leila Mechlin Treasurer..............................Bernard R. Green Members at Large of the Council Mrs. Albert C. Barney Percy Ash James Rush Marshall Arthur J. Parsons Marvin. F. Scaife W. Duncan McKim Charles J. Bell, Ex-President