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176 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. [[line]] SMITH, HATTIE TYREATHA. Belle Haven, Accomac Co., Va. b. May 29, 1873, Hampton, Va. Teacher. TAYLOR, WILLIAM B. Adriance, Cumberland Co., Va. b. 1869, Cumberland Co. Teacher, farmer. TURNER, WALTER M. 28 North 37th St., Philadelphia, Pa. b. 1868, Amherst C. H., Va. Taught two years. Waiter. UZZLE, JAMES D. Drummondtown, Va. b. March 20, 1872, Goldsboro, N. C. Teacher, farmer, carpenter. WILLIAMS, JOHN R. 716 South Dawson St., Raleigh, N. C. b. Jan. 6, 1872, Forestville, N. C. Machinist, teacher.