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188 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. [[line]] McADOO, BESSIE EUNICE.. b. July 5, 1873, Greensboro, N.C.; d. December, 1898. Teacher. NICHOLAS, JESSE LUGARD. Govanstown, Md. b. April 25, 1873, Govanstown, Md. Teacher. POWLESS, ELLA M.. (Oneida). Genoa, Neb. b. March 10, 1872, Reservation, Wis. Teacher in Government school. REID, DEBORAH. 141 W. 32nd St., New York, N.Y. b. Dec. 13, 1873, Churchland, Va. Teacher at Colored Orphan Asylum, New York. RICE, MRS. A. L. (Mary M. Williams). Lincoln St., Hampton, Va. b. June 7, 1874, Hampton, Va.; m. Dec. 29, 1897. Teacher.