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194 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. [[line]] POODRY, SADIE (Seneca). Akron, N.Y. b. 1875, Tonawanda Reservation, N.Y. Has taught. RASBIG, DAVID Howard University, Washington, D.C. b. 1870, Transvaal, Africa. Student. REID, WILLIAM EDWARD. Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C. b. 1869, Gatesville, N.C. Studying medicine. STABLER, ROY (Omaha). Omaha Agency, Neb. b. 1875, Reservation, Neb. Studied at Amherst High School one year taught two years at Ft. Totten, N. Dak. Studying law. THOMAS AZALE. Y.W.C.A., Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. b. 1873, New Orleans, La. Studying at Hemenway School of Gymnastics.