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Class of 1897.

PERKINS, HENRY J. Second St., Berkley, Va.
b. 1873, Berkley, Va. Engineer.

RAGLAND, SALLIE ANN. Virgilina, Halifax Co., Va.
b. June 15, 1875, Virgilina, Va. Teacher.

RICHARDSON, ELLA REBECCA. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.
b. Aug. 25, 1875, Woodstown. N.J. Teacher at Hemenway Farm.

RISON, FANNY, Dixie Hospital, Hampton, Va.
b. Dec. 23, 1870. Studying nursing, class of 1899.

SCOTT, JOHN J. King St., Hampton, Va.
b. 1872, Prince Edward Co., Va. Engineer, employed at Hampton Institute.