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YEARS TO REMEMBER [[page of 8 black and white photos]] [[image of 5 women dressed in white]] [[image of a woman sitting outside]] [[image of 3 women dressed in white]] [[image of 2 seated women]] [[image of a man in a suit]] [[image of what appears to be a bride, with a man in background]] [[image of 3 nurses dressed in white]] [[image of 2 nurses in what appears to be a work setting]] [[end page]] [[start page]] DO YOU RECALL? [[page of 8 black and white photos]] [[image of 6 women]] [[image of 3 women wearing brimmed hats]] [[image of a group of people in a room]] [[image of 3 couples]] [[image of a group of women in what appears to be a classroom]] [[image of a man sitting at a desk]] [[image of a man and woman in uniform]] [[image of 9 women in uniform and 1 man]] 85