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Serving only the best

[[image - black and white photograph of Mrs. Emma Johnson, Present Owner]]

Original Owner:
Mr. & Mrs. William Waters

Second Owner:
Mr. Daniel Bowels

[[image - drawing of a hamburger on a plate]]
[[image - drawing of a bottle of Coca-Cola]]

Billy Burkes Restaurant
1915 N. Pendleton Ave.
Fr. 1-8367


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The Jamboree Committee
of the
Homer G. Phillips Hospital School of Nursing

"Are we our brother's keeper?"

In 1940 a group of Graduate Nurses who were concerned about the varied needs of student nurses assembled to discuss how to minimize or eliminate these problems. Subsequent to the initial meeting, a group of such nurses has always been found trying to meet the needs of the student nurses.

Annually, this Committee, has sponsored a festive gathering involving a program of various entertainment; thus, the name Jamboree Committee. You remember, the delicious dinners, swinging cabarets, fascinating white elephant booths, intriguing games, suspense-filled post office auctions and envied winners of the hand-embroidered tablecloth with napkins made by Miss Huldah E. Macarthy.

through the years, because of the tremendous support given to this Committee by the hospital family and community, it has been possible to provide for student nurses scholarships, personal loans, attendance at professional meetings and refurbishing areas of the Nurses' Residence. These members also have served as counselors, "mothers" and depicted the "ideal nurse image" which touched the lives of others.
The Committee again sincerely thanks each individual for his/her support in making these contributions possible and our work so rewarding.

As you go about your separate endeavors, we wish for you, you and especially you that your dreams become a reality.
The present Committee members are:

Mrs. Lillian Marsh Daniels
Mrs. mary Baylor Harrison, Treasurer
Mrs. Pearl Anderson Lee
Mrs. Thelma Wynn McClendon, Chairman
Mrs. Ethel Butler McClellan
Mrs. Athena Barton McFarland
Miss Mabel C. Northcross

To this group of dedicated women I am so grateful. Students, now our graduates, will never know how much these nurses have given their time and monies to help the cause at Homer G. Phillips Hospital School of Nursing.

(Miss) Minnie Edythe T. Gore, R.N.,
Director of Nursing