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The Spaniels1954/06/11$800.00First appearance. Five boys plus an accompanist. Registered fairly well. did not prove to be drawing card. Worth watching.
The Spaniels1954/10/08$900.00Poor. No value whatsoever at the box office.
The Spaniels1955/09/19With Dr. Jives Revue...These boys have not improved. They are just another quartete.
The Spaniels1957/07/12$750.00Five boys. Have not improved.
The Spaniels1957/12/06$800.00Four boys. Slow moving and un-cooperative. This act has deterioted and is not worth using unless they get another record.
The Spaniels1958/04/04$800.00Very poor.
The Spaniels1958/09/19$850.00Same
The Spaniels1960/09/02$650.00Have improved. Used as opening act.
The Spaniels1960/11/18$750.00Five boys. Adequate.