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N 204 R.F & A.L. Vol 8/66 F56 B R.F. and A.L. - N.C. Bureau of RF and AL Office Asst Supt Sub Dist of Weldon Halifax N.C Oct 8th 1866 Foote - Jno M 2nd Lieut VRC and Asst Supt Requests that leave of absence for thirty (30) days be granted him. To enable him to visit his home. States that he is Suffering from disease caused by the Malaria of the locality and thinks a change of climate would prove beneficial Thinks his Office can be closed for the present without detriment to the Public Service. Two Enclosures 2173 [[stamped]] BUREAU R.F. & A L WASHINGTON REC'D OCT 15 1866 [[/stamped]]