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Bureau of Freedmen &C
Sub. Dist. Edgecombe. Halifax 
Enfield. N.C.

Col. Whittlesey


I have this morning received through Corporal [[blank space]] Eleven Freedmen, as follows, Calvin Arrington, Solon Arrington, Littleton Arrington, Dallas Arrington, James Taylor, Alex Allen, Allen Davis, John Harris, Stephen Moore, Samuel Cheek, & Jacob Moses who have signed the contract to remain until the 1st of January 1866, at Seven Dollars per month, except John Harris, who claims to be a blacksmith and whose wages are to be determined by his skill-.

I reached home with the first lot in due time and with those sent down by you on Sunday.  I found I had Sixty one Laborers.  Five deserted before reaching Weldon & since I got them home Twelve more have gone off-.  They have generally gone off at night, carrying their rations with them.  Among those who deserted on the way down was the Blk Smith, paid at Twenty Dollars per month-.  There seemed a few days ago, a general feeling of discontent among