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Aramides cajauea, July 17, 1960, II 

it repeated the whole performance once. Then it walker about the floor, in a rather nervous manner, apparently looking for food but still somewhat alarmed. Every once in a while it would run a few feet (not always directly away from me). All this was quite silent. The bird also performed frequent ck Movements when ever it wasn't actually running.  Its wings seem to be developing rapidly, and it usually flapped the wings whenever it ran at all rapidly.

I noticed that all or most of the time it wasn't running it kept the wings appreciably drooped. This was also true when it was in the isolation box earlier. This drooping might be an intention movement of flying.

The bird went into an SC posture, remaining silent, when I approached it. I gave it a tap on the rear. It immediately uttered 1 chirp, and ran a foot away. Then stood, did one D-U TF, which developed into (lateral TW).

Then it uttered chirps, AlP's, and very soft but quite rapid (?) when poked.

Then it uttered more chirps when approached again. In SC Posture. Then runs away with RP2. Still in SC when it first starts running. But then gradually relaxes into normal unritualized running posture after it gets about 6 ft away from me.

U utters chirps when handled.

Begins to utter typical LC notes immediately upon being isolated.

Then performs silent TW when I talk to it. Followed by 1 chirp, when I continued talking. Then falls silent again. So I left it alone for a while, and then talked
to it again.  This time it performed silent Tsh's & TW as "greeting". Then it started jumping, silently as usual. 

Then it uttered chirps, without ritualized postures or movement.