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Aramides cajauea, July 30, 1960, VI 

ck Movements. Still silent. Then it began to feed. Still performing ck Movements from time to time. Remained quite silent throughout.

Then uttered a few weak AlP's and a little RP2 when chased. Remained almost completely silent, only uttering 2 or 3 weak AlP notes, when poked.

WR Give typical chirps when handled.

Uttered 1 LC note when isolated in box, and then immediately jumped out.

Then walked around the cage, feeding, performing lots of ck Movements. Silent throughout. The birds certainly do not usually utter anything, when they are by themselves, during the tests as long as they are not actively (?). Probably because they are just slightly alarmed by our presence in such circumstances).

Then WR uttered a few notes intermediate between typical AlP's and typical chirps (quite like the notes uttered so frequently by WB) when chased. Possibly the AlP's and chirps are really beginning to "merge" with one another now.

Then WR remained quite silent when I poked it repeatedly.

As a general conclusion, as a result of these tests, I can say that the RP2 has become relatively rare, and trills seem to have completely disappeared, in such circumstances (see above.)

None of the birds made the slightest attempt to follow me at any time during their tests.

Our captive pair of adult Wood Rails laid another clutch of 4 eggs shortly after we took their young away.  Yesterday, Ambrose (?) found that one of the eggs had been kicked out of the nest and broken