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Aramides cajauea, Aug.5, 1960, II      

then one double note, like the notes described above on July 30, 1960, p. 41. This double note this morning might be transcribed as "Wheee-heeeee" or perhaps, "Whee-ee Wheeeeee." (I shall call such notes "DN" from now on.)

Then the bird was put down on the ground and I chased it. It ran away, uttering RP2 as it did so!

Then the bird was put in the usual isolation box. It uttered a few P notes, and then immediately flew up and perched on the upper rim of the box. It stood there for several seconds, uttering RP2 in fast "bubbling" bursts, almost like trills.

Then it uttered chirps and AlP's when I stretched out my hand toward it.

Finally, it flew down to the ground, and I poked it a little. It uttered chirps and alP's when poked.

Then the bird was left alone in the cage for some minutes. It walked around, feeding, in a not particularly excited manner. Occasionally uttered a soft P, but most of the time it was silent. Occasional, but no very frequent ck Movements. Then the bird paced back & forth along the side of the cage nearest the cage of the other 3 birds (which it could see quite clearly), but it remained quite silent.

When we approached the bird again, it went down into a silent SC, and then a silent XC. After a few seconds, it stood up again, uttering a (?)-like burst of RP. Then a few seconds later, it suddenly uttered several soft LC notes.

Went into silent SC when first approached. Uttered lots of loud chirps immediately, as soon as it was picked up and handled. 

Put into separate cage by itself. Starts to walk around & feed