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Aramides cajauea, Aug. 5, 1960, II      

3 or 4 P's (quite undistinguished, but of moderate length).

Put in isolation box, but flies out immediately.

Runs away when chased. Usually silent, but occasionally utters a single chirp. Almost all the time, during this running away, the bird kept its wings drooped, and its tail raised (in the position from which ck movements are made), although it did not, in actual fact, perform any ck Movements. I shall cal this the "pre-ck position". Then the bird uttered chirps in a pre-ck position, without actual ck Movements, when poked.

It is fairly obvious, from the behavior of the birds today, that their potential repertory of calls has not changed at all in the last few weeks. They are still capable of uttering (?) (and LC notes when handled). Why haven't they been uttering all these calls all along then? Perhaps because they have been becoming wilder. This morning, they had not been fed yet when we ran the tests. Presumably hungry. So perhaps they "reverted" to more "filial" behavior. In this connction it may be significant that U and WH were obviously tamer,throughout the whole period of testing today, than WB and WR.

Aramides cajauea, I.            

August 6, 1960

Barro Colorado

Both WH2 and WR2 seem to be flourishing now.

I noted, this afternoon, that they uttered lots of brief P's, and bursts of short notes, apparently including both RP and trills, whenever I came near their cage - but little or nothing else.