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Aramides cajauea, I.
August 20, 1960  
Barro Colorado

Unfortunately both chicks of the new clutch seem to have developed rickets or something similar this last week.  WR2 had it very badly. Both a little better now.

I went up to see the chicks around 11:30 tonight. They both greeted my appearance with lots of rapid notes. Including RP and real, loud trills!

Both of them lowered their heads a little when I put my hand in their cage, but did not do anything more in the way of crouching.

I did not test them further, for fear of hurting their legs.

Aramides cajauea, I.             

August 23, 1960
Barro Colorado

Experimented a little with the chicks of the first clutch this morning from 4:30 a.m. onward.

They all seem to be flourishing. Their legs & bills are so light now that they are almost the colors of the legs and bills of adults.

When I first appeared near their cage, the chicks uttered RP and/or (?) and AlP's. These AlP's were combined with SC and (once or twice) XC. The chicks are obviously getting shyer and shyer now.

The experiments went as follows:

No crouch when approached.

Uttered quite a lot of chirps when handled. These chirps were much harsher - more urgent sounding - than before. They were still unmistakably