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Aramides cajauea, Sept. 19, 1960, I.    

beginning around 3:15 p.m.

When Ortega and I first approached the cage the birds uttered 00 notes, with and without SC, in the usual way. One of them (at least)also performed Tsh's and Pr. movements, probably silent (but possibly with 00 notes).

Then we caught all the birds, one right after the other (I am not sure that I can identify them all correctly now, so I will just call them by numbers.


When we went into the cage to get this bird (and the others later on) all the birds ran away silently. No 00 Notes.

Silent when chased. Silent when caught. Silent in the hand, at first, as it lay passively. Then uttered 2 single clucks as it struggled a little. Then fell silent and became passive again. Then uttered a single cluck as it struggled a little again. Then fell silent as it because passive again. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Then we put the bird in the isolation cage. It ran away silently. Then started to walk about in the usual  pre-ck posture, performing occasional ck Movements. Silent throughout. 

Silent when chased again. 
Then driven into an adjoining cage, in which there is a half-grown Greater Greater [[?]]. I paid absolutely no attention to the [[?]] Just ran about in pre-ck posture, performing occasional ck movements. Occasionally assumed an extreme alert posture (with tail still cocked in the pre-ck position). Silent throughout.


Silent when chased. Silent when caught. Then began to utter soft clucks when lying passively in the hand. Then uttered squawks as it struggles