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Aramides cajauea, Sept. 19, 1960, II    

briefly. Then uttered soft clucks again as it became passive again.

Put in cage with I and (?). Ran away from us silently. No pre-ck posture or ck movements. Then I ran over to join it. No G.C. by either bird.. When both birds started to walk around, more or less together, both in pre-ck posture, both performing occasional ck movements.


Runs away silently. Silent when caught. Silent when struggling in the hand. Then began to utter moderately loud clucks when lying passive. Then fell silent again when struggling again. (Whether struggling is accompanied by squawks or is completely silent presumably depends upon the relative strength of the attack and escape drives.)

Then the bird began to utter rapid soft clucks when passive. Then uttered brief squawks when poked (while still being held in the hand.) 

Then put in the [[?]] cage with I and II. III immediately ran toward the other two birds. No G.C. No pre-ck posture or ck movements. Then III stood for a while, with bill open in a "G." Presumably panting. Then performed a General Ruffle. Then stood in an alert posture (without "G".) Then start to walk about at a moderate pace. Performing ck Movements - without a typical pre-ck posture! Wings meeting above tail, as in the ordinary "relaxed" walking posture, even when the bird was performing extreme ck Movements.


Then we went over to the cage where IV remained, by itself, without actually entering the cage. IV uttered a few 00 notes and then ran away silently.

When it started to walk rapidly back and forth, along the side of its cage nearest the (?) cage where I, II, and III were. In pre-ck