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(?) major,(underlined)Apr. 3,1960 III    18

  After writing the above this morning, I have had another opportunity to watch the "Crouch" reactions of Hrr a little more closely. The lowest intensity indication of a "Crouch" or TVC is a raising of the tail (which is usually carried pointed about straight down when a bird is not alarmed) and a flexure of the legs (this may be slight so that the bird is not actually sitting on the whole of its tarse). In very slight indications of TVC, the tail may be raised so little that it is only horizontal, in line with the body, but it is usually raised diagonally upward at least a little. At higher intensities of alarm, the legs are bent completely, so that the bird is really sitting on the ground, and the tail is raised even higher. The neck is apparently (?) straight upward only at the very highest intensities of alarm (and/or when the bird cannot actually see the source of the alarm?)

(?) major, (underlined)I  April 9, 1960
                          Barro Colorado

 I have been rather ignoring M & Hrr this week, but this morning we did quite a lot of work with them.
  We definitely could not (underlined) get either of them utter a sound in any circumstances.
  They are not following us as well as they used to when they were small. Perhaps because we haven't been with them very much recently. More probably because they are more easily "distracted" by other stimuli now. (Especially alarming stimuli - they do a great many TVC's now). But they still like to "join" or be with us. M, for instance, is still quite apt to fly up and settle quite happily on my shoulder. (I suppose that "she" does this because she is most strongly fixat