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(?) major, (underlined)    June 18, 1960, II        19

(?)   Not only is the bill opened very (underlined) widely, but the head is also - usually or always 0 bent steeply downward. The neck may be inclined forward a little at the same time, but this is n ever very extreme.) Just once, M very briefly ruffled her back feathers - as if in preparation for preening and/or a general shake. But she never actually did perform any preening movements or any general shaking.
  On June 11, Hrr only reacted very mildly to any "Ooooooo" sounds. A few Tsh's - nothing more.
  On June 15, Hrr started to react immediately, as soon as I began to utter "Oooooooo" sounds, even before M began to react. Hrr then performed Tsh after Tsh, very rapidly and vigorously. This looked very high intensity - but, surprisingly enough, Hrr never did any gaping and (?) movements. After I had been uttering "Ooooooo" sounds for quite a while, however, Hrr did perform a few tail-waggles in addition to Tsh's. But he never did any preening, ruffling, or general shaking. 
  On June 15, M began to react after Hrr, and never appeared to be too greatly stimulated. She did however perform Tsh's, gaping and (?) movements (in spite of the fact that Her reaction appeared to be no more than moderate 
intensity), and several tail-waggles.
  (Unfortunately, I did not notice if either bird performed Tail waggles on June 11).
  The apparent disappearance of preening and general shaking in their circumstances is rather surprising.
  At the present time, it would seem that the tail-waggles are a higher intensity reaction than the Tsh's. Or produced by some qualitative by different causation. The gaping and (?) seems to be confined to M.
  Possibly a purely male reaction now???