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Genus: Hinnites
Species: giganteus
Higher Order Taxonomy: Mollusca Bivalvia Ostreoida Pectinidae
Locality Source: U. S. Geol. Survey.
Locality Number: 4651
Additional Numbers: USNM_PAL_00634347
Additional Information: Author - Gray Collector - Arnold. locality - Coalinga, California Figured specimen from this lot Miocene
Transcription Notes:
Hinnites giganteus synonymous with Crassadoma gigantea
I've edited USGS to U. S. Geol. Survey as the instructions ask "Transcribe Verbatim - please transcribe as written, even if spelled incorrectly. Use this guidance for all fields, including the Locality Source, even if you know the acronym for that organization." I've added several pieces of "additional information" to that box. I've confirmed the synonym via and have added the Higher Order taxonomy of Crassadoma gigantea to the appropriate box via -@siobhanleachman
*added USNM_PAL_ number in the additional numbers field. Uncertain where to enter USNM.
This is a good question. Do we transcribe USNM_PAL_00634347 or just 00634347? -@siobhanleachman
Yes, please transcribe the USNM_PAL_#### (etc) in the Additional Numbers field. Thank you! - Meghan/TC Team