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Incidentally the authorship of the Goya Cardinal de Bourbon-Parme has been seriously queried by Monsieur Langui* of Brussels. He says he ^[["]]travelled with^[["]] the Goya (?) for 60 days and was exposed to it constantly...getting to believe less and less in its attribution....When I said that it is in all the books and unquestioned, he said "that may be....but I think it a fine picture by another painter."  He gave me much information about Chateau-Briand, etc.  Had that exposition in Brussels himself, (or sixty of the best canvases) and had no axe to grind when he casually said what he did re the Goya.

After all [[underline]] we [[/underline]] saw it only for a [[underline]] few minutes [[/underline]] relatively speaking....and took a good deal for granted.  This false attribution, if it is faux, may account for the indifference of the Government about demanding it back as perhaps the Marquis had a deal with Franco, etc etc.

[[hand drawn bracket to left of whole paragraph]] Have written Guy de per arrangement and will advise.  Also am awaiting letter from Paul Doll with Mathiesen & Ehrenclou's letter to Porter & Porter.  I will write Porter & Porter and send you carbon of same.

No need to tell you to slow up....but it's one way of lasting longer......

Yours sincerely
[[signature]] John [[/signature]]

P.S. So that you may know with what authority Mons. Emile Langui speaks, I should say tht he is 

Directeur General des Arts et Lettres
et de l'Education Populaire,
Secretaire General.

author, art critic (delegate to the present Internat. Convention here in New York, pluse state visits to Chgo, Detroit, Wash, D.C. et Boston, amongst other places.

[[signature]] John [[/signature]]