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up end ways against a top rail forming an inclosure about 6 or 7 feet high & thick enough to keep out most of the wind. At the far end of the corral opposite the gateway the big teepee, 20 feet wide & 20 feet high held the singers & drummers & as many people as could sit around the sides including 4 squaws on the side opposite the women's side of the corral.

A fire in the teepee & 8 around the edges of the circle kept all light & warm, & were constantly replenished from a big pile of pitchy nut pine wood outside.

The men came in early & sat or lay or stood around the fires till time to begin.The squaws came in & sat around the fires on the left side till the music got to their toes & then went out & danced in groups alone  The music seemed to be mainly by 4 or 6 old men at the far end of the tent, sitting on the ground, singing & drumming on some dull sounding drum & rattling in the lulls. The music was a chant, as weird and strange