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[[preprinted]] November 11 [/preprinted]] Sat
Cleaned up the house  did some baking Went to Johnson's for card party. A nice time.

[[preprinted]] November 12 [/preprinted]] Sun
Went out to Jacksons for covered dish dinner  Had a dandy time  Everyone was there.

[[preprinted]] The pressure of a hand, a kiss, the caress of a child will do more to save sometimes than the wisest argument even rightly understood. George McDonald [[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]] November 13 [/preprinted]] Mon
Washed, dried them outside. Also ironed my last weeks ironing  Finally got caught up. Also made an apron for Bazaar.

[[preprinted]] November 14 [/preprinted]] Tues
Ironed some also got dinner for shredders  There were 12 altogether here. Cost did not come.

[[preprinted]] The principle of free government adheres to the American soil. It is imbedded in it, immovable as its mountains.  Webster [/preprinted]
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