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no. 5;

by the people who know American Ethenoligy and Virginia History so well, already the Rappahanocks have held Social Meetings with the other tribes just mentioned and have been welcomed into the circle of Indian Society by those tribes which have been fortunate enough to have continued their Idenity & name, it Remains for those who Love the pages of Virginias Colonal history to welcome back the old tribal name of the Rappahanocks and to wish us sucess and permancy in our organization which is entended to continue the Social and Educational uplift of the Red Mans descendents

This is a fruitfull out-come of too Hundred years of Christan teaching and civiliazation which our unselfish and well wishing white neighbors have bestowed upon us

The white blood which flows in the Veines of all the Rappahanocks was derived from some of the best stock of the state, a family tradition Related by old Robert Nelson, one of the patriarchs of the Rappahanock tells us how during the Indian wars one Captain Carey Nelson persueing the Indians into the forest, after defeating one of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our Villages discovered Hideing behind a large Log Across his trail three Little Indian Girls, Captain Nelson Rescued the Children, brought them to his home and Raise them in Culture & Refinement.