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amount of time to digest, and to verify the substantive changes they are said to contain, before the Regents could be expected to take a responsible position; accordingly, they explored with Senator Inouye the prospective timetable for action on his bill in the Senate and the House. In this context the following motion was suggested and unanimously adopted:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to continue negotiations on behalf of the Board with the Chairman of the Select Committee on Indian Affairs with respect to further revision of S. 1722.  The Board also refers the question of the Regents' approval of the ultimate proposal to its Executive Committee, with instructions that the Executive Committee is to report to the Board in June and the Board may be asked to vote by mail or at a specially convened meeting on or before July 1.

* * * * *

At a meeting in the morning of April 12 with Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D.-Hawaii) the Secretary was presented with copies of a proposed amendment in the nature of a substitute to S. 1722 and a joint announcement with Senator Moynihan of a compromise with respect to the future location of the Museum of the American Indian.  After advising the Senator in person that the proposal was unworkable, the Secretary sent letters to both Senator Inouye and Senator Moynihan, copies of which follow, stating the Smithsonian's objections in greater detail.

Although Senator Inouye had advised the Secretary that the proposal was not final, mark-up on the measure took place on Wednesday, April 13, at a business meeting of the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, chaired by Senator Inouye, without mention of the Institution's objections.  It may be noted that the Committee does not have jurisdiction over either the Smithsonian or the General Services Administration, which also is substantially affected by the proposed amendment.

Mark-up by the Committee on Rules and Administration, which does have jurisdiction over the Smithsonian, and whose membership includes Senator Inouye, as well as two Smithsonian Regents, Senator Garn and Senator Moynihan, took place on April 19.  A copy of the Secretary's letter to the Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration, Wendell H. Ford (D.-Kentucky), outlining further objections to the measure, as well as a copy of S. 1722 as ordered reported by the Committee, also follow.