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Transcription: [00:04:36]
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Miss Brown was another teacher. Dat's enough, dat's enough.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Who were some of your classmates?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
Boys by the name of John Anston, ah, Walt Curtis, Lois Mason, Laydon Johnston, Albert Curtis,
[00:05:13] I'm lost [[laughs]]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
OK! [[laughs]] What church did you attend when you were young?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
So you have you been in Brookes all your life?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
Yeah, all my life.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Who was the pastor at Brooks when you first started there?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
[[Long silence]] He was named Reverend Brooks. Reverend Brooks. Lord! Oh!
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Who's the pastor there now?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
When you were young, what activities were you in in church? Was there any particular organizations or groups that you were part of?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
Oh we used to have a little quartet. Me, Landon Johnson, my cousin, Albert Chase, Lois Mason sung most in the quartet
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
What was the name of the quartet?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
OK. What organizations are you with now?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
Well, I'm not in any church now because I'm all broke up, I don't get to no...
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
I'm sorry. When you first started and now, what changes have you seen come about, in the church, or is there any changes?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
Huh. It's uh, changed a lot. A great change, I don't know