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Webster Thompson oversees operations for Miller's Mountain Region in his current position of regional manager. He is responsible for managing and implementing sales activities and programs in eight states and in portions of three other states. Reporting to Thompson are 30 staff members and 84 distributors.

[[image - Webster Thompson]]
He has spent his entire professional career at Miller's, beginning in 1962 as a regional territory representative in the West. Subsequently, he served as national public relations coordinator and then as regional sales manager for the Midwest region, a post he held prior to assuming his current position.

[[image - Shelia Payton]]
Overseeing the communications' arm for the company's Lowenbrau and Magnum brands is Shelia Payton. In this role, Payton plans and implements public relations programs for the two brands. 
Payton joined the company in 1976 as a communications specialist following a stint as a reporter for the Miami Herald in Florida. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and sociology from Syracuse University, and a master's degree in urban affairs from the University of Wisconsin.

[[image - Albert A. Crusoe]]
Albert A. Crusoe, manager, corporate staff, personnel and recruiting, joined Pabst as assistant personnel director in 1977. He was promoted to corporate manager of employee relations in 1977 and took over his current position in April 1981. Crusoe has a master's degree in business administration from Bradley University. 

[[image - Carl Traylor]]
Dr. Pepper would need. Dr. Pepper decision makers began to actively pursue Traylor. And they won their prize, Carl Traylor.

Now headquartered at the Houston-based office of Dr. Pepper a little over a year, the 33-year-old Traylor is charged with seeing that Dr. Pepper and its subsidiaries penetrate the minority market. In addition, he has the responsibility of getting Dr. Pepper's brands into drug store chains. 

The Canada Dry line will also come under Traylor's direction once the reorganization has had a chance to "settle in."

[[image - William P. Andrews]]
William P. Andrews is national coordinator of area management for Anheuser-Busch Inc. In this role, he coordinates activities of area managers who work in urban areas in the retail trade with independent distributors of Anheuser-Busch products.

A 14-year veteran of the company, Andrews joined Anheuser-Busch as a branch salesman in the Kansas City, Missouri, distributorship. He enjoyed a variety of promotions, including area manager for the states of Louisiana and Arkansas, and western Tennessee and area manager for the state of Texas. His efforts recently earned him the "Black Achievers Award" from the Harlem YMCA. Andrew's name was submitted for this honor by the company.

[[image - Curtis W. Walden]]
In January 1982, Curtis W. Walden was elevated from special markets assistant to assistant district manager of New Jersey. A native of Newark, New Jersey, Walden has spent his entire business career with Hiram Walker.