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[[first page edited into second page copy as noted in original text by arrow]] Sept 3rd (arrival in Etretat) We arose at 7: 6: in Joigny & flew to Paris as fast as possible considering the fact that the road was block with cars evacuating in all directions from Paris. All their trunks & baby carriages etc were piled on the tops of cars any old way, & all were speeding, & it was raining. We reached the desperate American Consulate to hear that all Americans had been evacuated midnight the [[strikethrough]] 2nd [[/strikethrough]] night before - & that we should go to Calais, Dieppe, Bordeaux, Cherbourg, or Le Havre, as Paris was a bad place to be in. He said we would be taken care of, & that it didn't matter which port we chose (he was wrong about all this). We went to the Finnish Consul to have wires sent free for us, as we were low in money. [[strikethrough]] He looked pessimistic about and war & said the Bremen - left N.Y. empty - with Eng battleship [[/strikethrough]] We arrived at Etretat 4 minutes before [[strikethrough]] England declar [[/strikethrough]] France declared war (5 o'c) - England having declared war at 11.A.M.