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The story there is Micheal Farmer (Gloria S's ex husband) who finds me just like her, & therefore keeps asking us for drinks - then [[strikethrough]] Victor [[/strikethrough]] actor Eric Von Stroheim -(Austrian Jew who has the guts to stay on & fight for France) & his mistress - Mrs & Billie Fuller (Otto Lang, the Richters, John Lodge, all add to the picture. The 3 boats are to sail together with the French one in the middle - the various intimacies which grew in the week in Etretat are separated on the boats - Micheal Farmer (the drinking lost soul in the hotel) gives his life for someone when [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] his boat is torpedoed, & he dies a hero with a saved soul. The Radio announcing sinking of the Athena*. Everyone sitting around in the dark listening - then arguments as to who did it. There are fine tennis courts & shops *Southern Cross [[strikethrough]] Sept 4th [[/strikethrough]] but no one to tend them, only some dark Morroccan servants in the Hotel -. Poyo calls our waiter "Blackout" - & the strange painted prima donna who sits behind us is "Mata Hari from the last war." We picked up what proved to be the dumbest guy of all that first night, but he said one truth [[strikethrough]] thing [[/strikethrough]] "this will be a real experience if we get through it!" That night [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] in the blackout[[strikethrough]] s, & [[/strikethrough]] while occasional battleships moved on the horizon or airplane [[strikethrough]] engines [[/strikethrough]] flew high above - there was a thunderstorm, & we wondered how many [[strikethrough]] peop [[/strikethrough]] peasants in the land though it was [[strikethrough]] the sound of [[/strikethrough]] the guns of war.