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Sept [[strikethrough]] 6th 5th [[/strikethrough]] 6th Today [[strikethrough]] in town [[/strikethrough]] we read in the paper that the Rex is sailing after all, because Italy is neutral. We went to find out from the U.S. Lines that we probably wouldn't sail together if at all. Women & children come first, so Poyo would stay behind. The Rex was to sail on the 8th - & had we known this early in the A.M. we could have caught it. At noon we were at the Ital. Consul & realized we couldn't quite make it. A canadian said he would - but 2 days later we saw him again in Le Havre, so he thought the better of it too. We were very dissappointed because we were getting worried after the "Athenia" sinking. We heard that three ships - the only three - were sailing out together with a net ahead to drag for mines - the Pres. Roosevelt, SS. Wash., & DiGrasse. But who wants to sail