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no authoritie's know any more than we do, so that we are helpless victims of burocracy & daily developments. We have to rely entirely on our own initiative & judgement - & in the papers one can't believe anything except what actually happens, because rumours & propaganda are so well underway. We discovered Today was when we discovered abt Rex THursday Sept 7th more myriad trips to Amer. Expr., police, P.O, U.S. Consulate, U.S. boat line, & other consulates - our usual round with lines of 30 people ahead of us. [[strikethrough]] (met John Lodge perchance & ran after him. He offered money, but ours has just arrived. [[/strikethrough]] At 3:pm. E & I were on the track of Amer. Holland line - as we heard all Italian lines are overfilled. We [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] found after reserving a place that we wouldn't know for 2 days. Later we heard the Belgian border was closed, so that was that. Italy, Holland, Etretat or Bordeaux had been our question. At 3 p.m. the raid siren blew, & we ran toward the shelter. All shops closed, & people watched the sky. There was only one shelter & that was full up - so the Belgian consul asked us in. Le Havre has as yet very few gas masks & shelters, so he said there is nothing to do but wait. During the raid I [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] met John Lodge & ran [[strikethrough]] to him [[/strikethrough]] after him. He offered money but ours had just arrived