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Smithsonian Institution   1288

special endowment he provided, and to which there was addition by bequest on his death. He also developed a school known as Deep Springs in Inyo County, California which operates independently of the Association.

The preamble of the Constitution of Telluride Association states that its purpose is "to promote the highest well being by broadening the field of knowledge and increasing the adoption as the rule of conduct of those truths from which flow individual freedom as the result of self-government in harmony with the Creator."

The principal activity at present, so far as known, is the operation of a house built in 1909 and 1910 on the campus of Cornell University, where selected students reside on a scholarship basis.

An article in the Constitution of Telluride Association reads as follows:

"Article IX. Diversion.

Section 1. In the event of the violation by the Association of the letter and spirit of this trust, the title to all property belonging to the Association at the of such violation shall at once vest in the Smithsonian Institution, of Washington, D. C., in trust to be by it administered in accordance with the provisions expressed in this constitution."

The Institution seems to have had no previous knowledge of this provision. 

It has been represented to the Secretary that Telluride Association, as at present managed, is not carrying out the true purposes of its founder, and inquiry has been made as to whether the Smithsonian Institution would investigate.

The Telluride endowment is completely restricted and is intended wholly for educational use of the kind described, so that it would not be available in other ways. The Executive Committee on the basis of information now available, noting that the proviso cited was written without our agreement, recommends that the Smithsonian take no action at this time.
