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The Institution is operating at present under a reduction in personnel of 12 positions, due to shortage of funds of $40,053 required for ingrade promotions necessary under existing law for which no appropriation was made.


The following statement was presented to the Board by the Secretary:

In connection with surveys for construction of government dams throughout the country, there has been much interest in the salvage of scientific materials that would be covered by impounded waters. In connection with this, Congressman Curtis of Nebraska introduced in the House H.R. 2290, a bill to provide for cooperation by the Smithsonian Institution with state, educational and scientific organizations for fossil studies in areas to be flooded by the construction of Government dams. This bill, including an authorization for an appropriation of $65,000, passed the House and the Senate and was approved by the President on August 15, 1949. The bill originated outside the Institution, which operates in connection with it only in an administrative manner in the allocation of funds, when such may become available.

The Bureau of the Budget has included an estimate of $65,000 for the purposes of this bill in the Smithsonian estimate for the fiscal year 1951. This is an addition to the regular items for Smithsonian maintenance and operation. While no funds are yet available, two inquiries have been received on the subject of possible allocation of funds.


The Secretary made the following statement:

Following submission of the reports of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, under the chairmanship of the Honorable Herbert Hoover, the Institution received from Senator John L. McClellan, Chairman
