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man with family. It was a year ago that Ma was sick and Sunday was the day you reached home. It seems a long time in many ways and yet the time has gone very quickly. I do hope we can dispose of the house- I would like to see some one living there and not have it idle. I talked with Oscar Hinds about it last night but he didn't like the one heater for two families. Perhaps if business improves it will be easier to sell. Anyway I hope we can dispose of it not later than spring so that there will be no further expense such as taxes or repairs. Football today Stoughton beat Walpole. Hope to hear from you Tues. Love Ralph.

[24 Nov. 1930]

Dear Sidney.-

Glad to get your postal with news that Dot appeared to be all right again and hope she has no further trouble. Believe I wrote you after getting back from the Maine trip and have been pretty busy at the office since and the Bank examiners finished up Friday night so that we can get back to "normalcy" this week. The next big job outside the regular work will be filling out application blanks for automobile insurance so that people can get their 1931 registration. This old year is about gone and only 4 days to Thanksgiving now and then just a short time til Christmas which will be sort of side tracked this year I guess on acct.