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The western court of the isthmus of Panama and Central America have been received, since 1858, from Capt. J. M. Dow, of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Dr. A. Schott, naturalist of the scientific survey of Yucatan, from 1864 to '66, and Prof. F. E. Sunichrast, exploring on the isthmus of Tehnantepec, from 1868 to 1870, both contributed valuable materials to this department. 

Prof. H. E. Webster, of Union College, has donated a full suit of the Annelids collected by him in numerous trips to the sea coasts of the New England and Middle Atlantic States, illustrating his recent reports on that group. Prof. D. S. Jordan, of the Indiana State University, has also contributed much valuable material from many sources.

The Geological Commission of Brazil, under the direction of Prof.