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all in that case
best season near kwastalan,
time when student get a vacation after report card
- says no change in demand in recent yrs
- his langganan, Pak Saino, receives as many as he can produce & pays cash,
- not land except father's pek
- no animals
- 1 bicycle used for setor & buying hide on way home. amt. to hide bought depends on money got from setor usually not more than 10'k
- competition for hide with pedagang krupuk kulit
- acc. to Wangi people in Pocung who get large orders don't share them
- [[strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]] from pek. get Sasil 21/2 tenggok ([[symbol]] 60 k), 1/2 Q conn
uses 2k beras a day for the household (w/ corn means hge gets enough for about 40 days, nest bought)
- Wangi agrees w/ idea of kooperasi;
[[left margin]]
Image of bowl
tenggok =
[[symbol]] 22k
[[/left margin]]

as long as order divided equally among households
- has moves setored w/ anyone except Saino or sold thru a tengulak
- owns 20 talahs, panduka (wood base) 1 from sawo wood with price Rp1000, ganden (mallets) 4 (make self)(if make [[symbol]] 200 Rp each), penindih 2 (400 Rp @)
(forgot to ask about petels & stelche frames)
- has never attended course, gotten a loan, gotten any assist. of any kind from govn or borrowed money from Saino
- if setors comes home at night, doesn't sleep over
tatahs for wayng very diff. than those for woodcarving

Aug 11 - (Joko's birthday) [[drawing of cake with 4 candles]]
interview with Pak Saguiyo, wayang maker from Gendeng
young maker of No. 1 quality wayangs in village behind Gendeng (calong Nancy)

Transcription Notes:
[[symbol]] = symbol that resembles "=" with a vertical line through center