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then carried around fields so that smoke goes on plants 
3. kapur barus - (mothballs) - pounded & sprinkled in irrigation canal
4. dead crabs called yuyu are impaled on bamboo sticks around the fields - hamah gather around & are collected, fried & eaten
Pak Social says bad effects of a new insecticides that also kill off such enemies of pests as: 
[[indented list]]
1. musang - a small nocturnal cat-like mammal, normally eats rodents, ie rats & mice
2. garangan-similar to musang but daytime animal
3. kodok-frogs which eat various small insects
4. earthworms (cacing tanah) which soften (mengembus) the earth
[[end of indented list]]
at the big pressed wood factory sunung pehuh nearby roughly 100 people from the lead fend
employment - formerly that factory a bamboo weaving factory but went bankrupt in 1971 ((Pak Dukob told us later now 25 people from Malangaz who are employed there - factory headed by Chinese Sunarto - see notes Rian tour)) 
-formerly 4 kalurahans which combined to form Sumberagung - buruh ladi wages 350 Rp daily in the area + meals which Pak Josial says are woth another 150Rp.
L.S.D. active in the area = Lembaga Social Desa for merly under Dept. Social & now under Dept Dalam Negeri
L.S.D has been successful in keeping harvest wages up; Mohammedia also very active in the area, esp. in the school system many of busah tani from some of Kec. L[[strikethrough]]endah, in Kulon Progo
participates in village rating system: