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can make kalo in those days if need to
about 20 days a mo. work overtime from about 7pm-9
-setor to Amat about once a week, no filed day
-here says setor about 10 sets of baki set 5 or set 9 + 20-25 sets HD (salker diff, than p.8)
-2 bicycles, 3 small kambrings, 4 ayam (sick)
-all goods given to Amat sudal jadi
-no assist from govn.
-also mentioned that all out siders should be taken to Amat or the market will be spoiled ("pasaran lisa bubrah")^[BUBRAH]
the 200M of sawgh owned by his wife worked by Pak Tomf himself
200M^[2] pekarangan 100M^[2] ladang
-ladang planted wz kimpul (a kind of talus), ketela pohon, coconut + mungur (a kind of wood, fast-growing).
- Sak Tomo works in sawah 30 days a season
15 macul
15 matun

Bu Tomo + Nggtinen works 15 days planting + 30 harvesting
-Fruit also spends about 30 days a season in agr. work
-family have never bough or sold land tahunan
-5 years ago maro for 1 season;
-Tomos land produces 1 KW padi (gobak) a season
-family cooks 1 1/2 K rice a day
-use urla 6K @70 a season.
  "   T$  6K  "      "
also use pupuk kandang from 3 babings
-use diazinion obat hamah 2 bottles,
@200 Rp for wereng
-buy bribrit Pelita 2K @150 at store
-weeding 3 times a season, using seedbeds (uritan)
-agn tools:
            3 parcul @1000
            3 arit   @200-300
            1 setrys (shaight pacul-shovel?@500)
            1 garsul (homeade)
- acc. to Tomo, yang pakok keiguian
-gotong royong in the area still uses waks, acc. to Tomo