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- acc. to them sales are best "menghadapi meisim kemarau"
- acc. to them no unemployment in the village and also no shortage of labor
- roughly Pak Kurah are about 40 people in the area who migrate out every year, mainly young girls looking for factory or servant work, but most not from dukols making genting
- main form of credit between villagers is borrowing wood bundles or lavahan (dry leaves), rather than cash loans.
- in such a case after firing he returns the loan in cash;
- if for example, bonow 10 pekuls
of wood will then return 3000Rp
-total pop of the 2 dukohs 700
people, 1215 + 100 KK each
are about 15 KK who have no tanah
tobacco the main cash crop
apparently, they dry out, + sell them - 
selves in the market
are 8 groback sapi in the area used
for carrying tiles; no 4-wheeled
6815 the kal. pop w/ 7 dukohs

nearby area of Rejosari makes grabah
 - Pak Jayadi head of BAPPIKRA
project at Rejosani ((need to clarify
this)) - Pak Martopo yang mengurusi
- openan (oven) a term also used for tangen
- tools used:
2. IRISANJ - wire for slicing off earth
3. CETAK - frame
4. TUMBIJ - sand basket
5. EMBER - pail
6. LAP KARET - rubber sheet from tire for smoothing
8. GAYAHANJ - earth molds?

words place called BERAK, covered
oven with open on semi-open sides
- for 1 cubic tanah o 1/3 cubic sand;
this enough for 1000 tiles
((genteng - Indon))
((gendeng - jaura))
- for 1 fijing use 3 pikuls of wood
@ 250 8 pikul sampah (lasahan)
@ 200
-Pak Paryono's tungkucan fire
3300 at a time; made of bricks
-open place trad; used for firing
called krop kan
under kropokan system use 15
pikul kayk & 5 pikul sampah for