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local took steps to submit an impasse in contract negotiations to the official dispute settling machinery- will be an interesting test of Pancasila labor relations

case of the Jan. rise in petroleum prices causing rise in cost of living; Agus Sudono [[strikethrough]] announced that [[strikethrough]] his research dept (([[?]] FSBI, headed by Sinungan)) was about to publish results of FSBI's own survey of price increases 
head of Kopkamtib did not forbid FSBI from publishing this data, but asked press [[strikethrough]] not to publicize this due to advise given to the govn. by prominent economists about the undesirability of wage increases in excess of 10%
Kopkamtib asked FSBI not to recommend wage targets to its members on the basis of the research, but union locals allowed to use research results in wage negotiations

debate with in the Indonesian govn. over whether can afford real wage. increases - fear that increases in wage wull lead to increases in labour

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costs which reduce Indonesian's competitiveness and restrict employment; author pts out that wages now so low that affect worker productivity and rise in wages could actually reduce until labor costs
problem that industry now adapted to low wage, low productivity/labor force demoralized by poverty